Disability Pride Month

So you don't have a Disability Pride Plan? We're here to help.

Most teams want to include disabled people in their marketing, but are so afraid of being canceled for doing it wrong that they do nothing at all. 

Why should you be creating disability inclusive campaigns?

In the US alone, the disabled community has a combined spending power of $8 trillion. Yet we are largely overlooked in marketing (or worse—used as inspiration porn to market to non-disabled people).


When done right, inclusive marketing creates enormous and untapped opportunities for positive media and PR as well.

So we (Misfit Media + our team of disabled creatives) created a series of events that individual teams can sign up for and attend remotely either in July, or for 6 months after. 

Our events will be hosted live + clients will receive recording access for the next 6 months. 


What topics are covered?


July 14: What is Ableism?: A crash course in what ableism is, the basics of disability inclusion and what happens when we don't actively include disabled people


July 17: Untapped Potential: The ROI of Disability Inclusive Content. Calling All Marketers and content creators! This is for you! Learn about the do's and don'ts of creating inclusive campaigns that win awards and impress your boss.


July 20: Say What?: Your guide to talking about disability. What to say, what not to say, and why it matters. Including how to talk to your kid(s) about disability).


July 28: Ask Me Anything - Disability Edition. Even on intentionally inclusive shoots, we notice a lot of fear amongst non disabled people in even talking about disability, so we've crafted this event for you. Pre submit your questions to misfit media, and we'll go through them and answer them for all to listen. Kelsey will deliver the event, but the Misfit team will also create a PDF answering these for you to hang onto. We promise you'll learn something new!


July 31: Allyship 101: learn practical, tactical steps that you can take to be a better ally to the disability community in ways that elevate our voices and lived experiences. We'll focus on how to impact your workplace, community and families to be a force of good for disabled people in them.


Did you know that 87% of consumers say they would rather support a company that prioritizes disability inclusion?

We've had previous participants from:

Use your development dollars to make an impact.


Need 5 or more spots? 
Want a private session for your team? 
Click here instead.


Does this sound like you?


You want to include people with disabilities but don't know where to start


You have a decent grasp of the importance of disability inclusion, but want to make sure you're doing it right


You want to better understand how to make your content more accessible to people with disabilities


You know that disability inclusion is huge for ROI, and you want to have disabled people by your side as you create your first inclusive campaign


You want to use your power & privilege to support disabled people's equity.


You want to get your inclusive campaigns in front of the disabled community and create brand evangelists for life

Secure your spot! We're keeping the program small this time.


Want a private session for your team? 
Email kelsey@misfitmediaagency.com instead


Interested in the work we're doing? Visit www.misfitmediaagency.com to learn more.